Tired of watching other people make cheese on the internet while you still don’t know where to start yet?!


You are Just #2900 Away From Starting Your 6-Figure-a-Month Journey Right Away!



Offer Expiring Soon.

Dear Friend

I agree.

The world around us is evolving at an astonishing pace, with digital skills holding the key to unlocking countless opportunities.

And it is so hard to watch your friends and peers doing well on the internet…

They are creating their own websites…

…building their own successful online businesses…

….and some are even making hundreds of dollars by working remotely — from the comfort of their house.

They have found their own skill, their own place in this vast digital world, and making so much money from it.

While you remain stuck, unsure of where to begin.

You don’t even know what to do or where to turn to as a beginner.

You have spent countless hours researching various digital skills, watching tutorials, and exploring different online platforms.

You have asked about different skills ranging from coding to graphics designing to even social media marketing…

Yet, with each attempt, you find yourself at a crossroads, unsure of which path to choose and which skills to invest your time and energy into.

Frustrated at every opportunity you come across that you cannot apply for..

Because each of these opportunities is either too demanding for you…

Or you just don’t have the required skill to get them.

And it hurts you so much to be in your current state. 

But all of these can change right now!

And With Just #2900 Too!

I will show you how in a sec.

But first…

Do you know who Damilare Aribisala is?

You may not know him, and countless other freelancers in the Nigerian space…


…but here is something you should know.

Dami currently charges between $500 to $800 as a freelance copywriter working for business owners in Nigeria and abroad.

He does this by simply writing…


A skill he learnt right with his mobile phone…

While still being an undergraduate in the University of Lagos.

And yet in 2021 — roughly two years ago — he didn’t even know where to start his copywriting journey

Can You Imagine?!

And yet he is not the only one.

Thing is, my friend, every freelancer or skill owner you see out there actually started like Dami too.

They started confused and unsure of what to do.

Until they figured out the way

Either by paying heavily for a mentor…

Or by paying heavily with their time — by trying different things and figuring out which one would work for them.

And what that means is that they wasted more money trying to find the good path for themselves.

But that shouldn’t be you, my friend.

You should not spend days and weeks going from one google site to another looking for a skill to learn.

You should not waste your time that way.

Rather, you can simply get your hands on a detailed digital toolkit that doesn’t just show you what skill is best for you…

But also gives you the exact material to start on that skill.

And you will soon see how this works.

Plus how you can get started as early as your next meal…

But first…

Let me tell you a little about myself.

Hi, My name is Victory Odewingwe.

I am an Ads specialist that helps online creators, coaches and business owners create ads and campaigns.

And I make so much money from it.

So much that I have been able to build an 8-figure Ad agency.

Not only that…

I have also taught and mentored many young people like Samuel Utondu to make money for themselves with their ads skill.

And yet, a few years back just like Damilare, I was as confused as you are.

Here’s the full story.

You see, I went to University with two goals in mind; to get a First Class and to make money as a student.

I was so broke that I never entered a fancy restaurant, cinema, or any place that even screamed comfort in my first year…

I just couldn’t afford them.

During my first holiday, I worked as a school teacher earning N7,000 per month.

I also decided to take on an opportunity to work for a Network Marketing Company that sold health products to people including market women and passengers in traffic.

It was definitely one of the most stressful moments of my life.

Yet I still couldn’t even make up to N10,000 per month combined!

In my third year, I  joined a mentorship community known as Tenadre Mentees

I also got numerous certificates after learning on Udemy and Coursera and that was where his interest in online marketing was increased.

I just kept learning any skill that came my way.

In 2020, after running from one skill to another, I decided to learn how to run ads on Facebook.

And with the help of my mentorship, I stuck to it and made a name out of it.

I later graduated as a First Class Engineering student and also built an 8-figure per year Advertising Agency.

Now, I help businesses generate qualified leads via paid advertisement and have worked with top internet marketers in Nigeria like Jackto Precious, Golibe Ilechukwu, Caleb Nwanneka, Joy Agbim etc.

Caleb Nwanneka
Caleb Nwanneka8-Figure Affiliate Marketer
Victory is very good at what he does, in just one month of managing my campaign, I was able to generate over 10 Million Naira in one month from my affiliate marketing business. He’s one of the best out there. You need to work with him. He will give you good results
Joy Agbim
Joy AgbimTop Nigerian Affiliate Marketer
When it comes to running ads, Facebook and Instagram, Victory DM Consult is a go-to person. He knows his onions. He has been running ads for me for months and the quality of leads I get for my digital products is top-notch. If you want to create more visibility for your products physical or digital so you can sell more of your products and make more money then stick with Victory DM

But here’s the kicker.

You see, I never did get to choose a skill that fits in and settled down early enough…

Until I had spent more money, time and energy figuring things out on my own.

Alot of money.

And over 3 years of my university life.

And that’s where the issue is.

You see, as a new person trying to learn a skill…

The whole environment is not designed to help you pick the right skill for you based on your interest or like…


It is designed such that you get access to alot of skills almost at the same time…

And what that means for you is that…

You don’t even know what to choose or where to start from.

You become totally confused and indecisive.

And it is not your fault!


It is simply because you have not seen a thorough guide that will lead you by the hand…

To pick a skill suitable for you…

And also guide you through the basics of that skill.

Such that…

How is that possible?!


That is exactly what I have prepared for you inside the:


A thorough guide into the world of basic skill learning and money making!

With the DSTK, you get access to 10 high income skills.

Skills that you can begin to learn today, and start making money with them (no matter how little) in about 90 days.



You may have heard about it.

Or you may have a friend doing it already…

But what you may not know is that…

An average Nigerian affiliate marketer pockets about #50,000 to #250,000 monthly.

That is more than the average minimum wage in Nigeria.

And I know that’s enough for you to get you interested.

Which is why, inside the DSTK, you get to learn about affiliate marketing, how it works and how you can get started almost immediately.

Ofcourse, that’s just one of the skills you can get access to.

(NGN 20,000 VALUE)



With email marketing, you can charge between $50 to $100 (about #37,000 to around #75,000) to write short emails with not more than 300 words.

Now imagine writing five of them in a month.

That’s about $500!

And it is totally possible.

Only if you know how to start.

But be rest assured.

Inside the DSTK, you will see exactly how you can get started on Email Marketing.

(NGN 50,000 VALUE)



This is personally my favorite.

And because I make so much money running ads on Facebook to top guys…

I have decided to show you exactly how it’s done right inside the DSTK.

(NGN 20,000 VALUE)



In this part, you’d learn how to build professional website in a couple of hours and charge up to #300,000 for it using your Laptop or even your smartphone.

Without writing any single line of code.

(NGN 50,000 VALUE)







So you see, with the DSTK, you get to begin your skill learning journey without…

Instead, with the Digital Skill Toolkit, you’ll be able to:

All for Just #2900 Too!


Now Listen!

Don’t read further or get this toolkit if you will NOT

Because no matter how easy this toolkit can help you choose your next skill…

You won’t get any result if you do not open it or implement what is in it…

And I don’t want that…

I would rather give this toolkit to people who are EAGER and READY to implement the simple steps I’ll show them…

So close this page NOW if you are not ready…

But if that’s NOT your case…

I mean, if you are already tired of getting confused and frustrated…

And you won’t even hesitate to do everything I say…

As long as it brings you result…

Then here is how the DSTK works in 4 simple steps!

Step 1. Pick and Choose:

First, you’ll be given access to my Digital Skills Toolkit.

Inside, you will see a bundle of foundational courses on 10 high paying digital skills…

Plus a 60-seconds questionnaire that will help you make a good choice of the skill to begin with..

The Digital Skill Toolkit is designed to give you foundational knowledge on your chosen…

Show you how it works…

And how you can get started almost instantly!

Step 2. Join The Community:

Next, you’ll be given access to my exclusive private coaching community.

Inside, you will get to meet people like you who are also eager and ready to learn just like you.

In this community, you will also receive guidance through every step of your way.

From choosing your skill to practicing and gaining real-world experience.

Enough experience that business owners will be willing to pay you top dollars for.

Step 3: Building Your Brand Online:

After you have picked a high-income skill, and built a rich portfolio of practical work…

You will also learn how to build your brand and grow in public.

For this, I’ve added two FREE tools:

But that’s not all!

Step 4: Monetize and Scale:

Once your personal brand (business) has been set up…

Your next step will be to start making money from all of your hard work.

And that’s why, inside the DSTK…

I will show you how to reach out to businesses and business owners who are in desperate need of your services…


How to negotiate with them, so you can appear professional and confidently secure a working contract with them.

And like I have said earlier, all you have to pay to get access to the DSTK and every information it contains is just..



That cheap!


Well, for one, most of the courses I have created in the past have been such that…

It is easily accessible for everyone to afford…

With enough information to make you think you cheated me…

Or even robbed me!

And secondly…

I believe the DSTK is the basics of what you need to get started…

Before you dive deeper into the real world of the skill you pick.

For example…

Most copywriting classes out there starts at #25,000 and above…

Same for graphics design courses…

And even Facebook Ads courses…

But with the DSTK…

You get access to the basics of all these courses at just #2990 alongside the basic VITAL information you need to get started!

But Not For Long!

Because I will be increasing the price VERY SOON!

So get in while you still can at just #2990 right now!


Also, you almost have nothing to lose! Because…

You Are Covered With My 60 Days Money Back Guarantee!

Here’s the deal.

I want you to get the toolkit right now and implement it.

If after you have gone through everything in the toolkit and you still feel like you haven’t gotten full value for your money( which is highly unlikely)

Then you can simply reach out to me with a proof of everything you have done and ask for a refund

And I will send you a full refund with an apology as well.

So you see, you have nothing to lose


Are you going to miss out on this opportunity?

You see…

You don’t have to get the DSTK…

You can leave this page now – no questions asked – and still go back to the same life you’re living….

….with the same challenges and troubles…

…..with the same confusion – hoping for a miracle to happen to you…

You can forget that you were ever shown how to pick a skill, learn it, and start making money as soon as possible…

Or you can take this opportunity now and turn your financial life around!

That one opportunity to learn how to make money in dollars for yourself…

…from a skill you learnt right inside your bedroom.

Without your nosy neighbors even knowing how you did it…

You can now join one of the few but fortunate Nigerians who earns up to $150 or more DAILY with their skills!

And you can even pepper those naysayers who once said you can’t amount to nothing…

And while you are at it…

You are making cool cash for yourself…

….making enough to live comfortably, take care of your needs and even send to your parents and loved ones…

Sounds like what you want?

Click on the button below to get your access to the DSTK NOW


And immediately you click on that button….

You’ll be directed to a secure payment page where you will make your ONE TIME payment of #2990

Once you’re done with that…

You will immediately receive a unique link to the blueprint and everything you need.

That’s it.

You’re in automatically!

I’ll see you inside 

Victory Odemwingie

You’d Get Access To:

Total Value – 431,500 Naira

Today’s Price = 2,900 Naira

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